During Tsarism period The Chavcahavadze Estate in Tsinandali stood for the center of cultural life. The Chavchavadze house in Tbilisi and Tsinandali became the cultural center of aristocratic society and very often it became the place of meetings of historical importance. If during Garsevani’s life Tsinandali Estate was visited by guests of aristocratic and diplomatic mission, during Aleksander’s life the appearance of creative people, writers and public figures made this place more interesting. Among respected guests there were Georgians and foreigners as well : Al. Dumas the elder, Mari Brose, Ambassador of France Chevalier Gamba, A.Pushkin, A.Lermontov, A.Griboedov, Professor of Yen University Carl Koch and others. Tsinandali Museum represents wide complex in museum viewpoint and it comprises Alexander Chavchavadze house museum, dendro park and wine cellar which dates back to the 19th century and the oldest wines are presented there. Key words: Alexander and David Chavchavadze, Tsinandali, Dendro park, Wine cellar, cultural tourism, eco museum, tourism.
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